Prírodné prípravky z lekárne na depresiu a úzkosť

13. sep 2023

prosim vas matka to ma od korony ze ma take problemy male nie je to na lieky, a nechce ich este brat preto sa chcem spytat ci mate skusenosti s PRIRODNYMI doplnkami.

Kupila som jej depress a pozname

13. sep 2023

Skúste užívať výživový doplnok Ashwagandha

13. sep 2023

moja mama pila čaj Antistress, Depress jej nerobil dobre

13. sep 2023

sedatif PC

13. sep 2023

@horvathova_ja urcite nech skusi funguje a plus rozchodnica ruzova. Ashwaganda sa nemoze pri hyperfunkcii stirtnej zlazy

13. sep 2023

@lucka_ke ako jej robil depress prosim ta?

13. sep 2023

Treba vyskúšať ja beriem depress predtym gs Anxiolan sedatif pc je viac menej navykocy a nie je az tak bylinkový ako depres a gs Anxiolan preto som vyskula tie a su v pohode

13. sep 2023

bolel ju žalúdok

13. sep 2023

@zuzkaa1991 nepochopila som tvoj prispevok

13. sep 2023

5-htp prirodny serotonin

13. sep 2023


13. sep 2023

@zuwa78 hydroxytryptofán to je latka ktora je v tom deprese ktory jej davam?

13. sep 2023

@stanulienkat zaujmave levandula, aj si to prosim ta osobne vyskusala? este som levandulu neskusila pozivat, len cuchat

13. sep 2023

A mama neuziva ziadne ine lieky? Lebo pri tychto prirodnych treba byt velmi opatrny,maju vela kontraindikacii,napr.taky lubovnik, ktory je skoro v kazdom bylinnom preparate.

13. sep 2023

@iwesska no uziva srdccove mala infarkt pred 15 rokmi, lubovnik je s antidepresivami nie?

13. sep 2023

ľubovník a lieky - nie

13. sep 2023
13. sep 2023

@kvetinka75 mylis sa St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a flowering shrub native to Europe. It gets its name from the fact that it often blooms on the birthday of the biblical John the Baptist.

The flowers and leaves of St. John's wort contain active ingredients such as hyperforin. St. John's wort is available as a supplement in teas, tablets, liquids and topical preparations.

People use St. John's wort to treat depression and menopausal symptoms.

What the research says
Research on St. John's wort use for specific conditions shows:

Depression. Several studies support the therapeutic benefit of St. John's wort in treating mild to moderate depression. In fact, some research has shown the supplement to be as effective as several prescription antidepressants. It's unclear whether it's beneficial in the treatment of severe depression. Because St. John's wort interacts with many medications, it might not be an appropriate choice, particularly if you take any prescription drugs.
Menopausal symptoms. Some evidence suggests that taking St. John's wort alone or in combination with black cohosh or other herbs might reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.
Somatic symptom disorder. Some studies indicate that St. John's wort might be beneficial for the treatment of this condition that causes severe anxiety about physical symptoms such as pain, weakness or shortness of breath.
Our take
Yellow light: Caution
St. John's wort can be effective for treating mild to moderate depression. However, the supplement interacts with many medications and can cause serious side effects. Consult with your doctor before taking St. John's wort if you take any other medications.

Safety and side effects
When taken orally for up to 12 weeks in appropriate doses, St. John's wort is generally considered safe. However, it may cause:

Agitation and anxiety
Diarrhea, constipation and stomach discomfort
Dry mouth
Other side effects may include:

Fatigue and insomnia
Increased sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity)
There isn't enough information about the safety of using St. John's wort topically.

Don't use St. John's wort during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

The list below includes some recognized interactions. However, other drugs may also interact with St. John's wort. Check with your doctor before using St. John's wort in combination with any other drugs, especially prescription medications.

Alprazolam (Xanax). Taking St. John's wort with this drug used to relieve symptoms of anxiety might decrease the drug's effect.
Antidepressants. Taking St. John's wort with antidepressants might increase the risk of the accumulation of high levels of serotonin in your body. Too much serotonin can cause mild to severe side effects. Taking this supplement and an antidepressant requires a doctor's supervision.
Barbiturates. Taking St. John's wort with a drug that acts as a central nervous system depressant (barbiturate) might decrease barbiturate-induced sleep time.
Bupropion (Wellbutrin SR, Forfivo XL). Taking St. John's wort with this antidepressant might decrease the drug's effect.
Certain chemotherapy drugs. Taking St. John's wort with irinotecan (Camptosar, Onivyde), docetaxel (Taxotere) or imatinib (Gleevec) might reduce the chemotherapy drug's effects.
Certain immunosuppressive drugs. Taking St. John's wort with tacrolimus (Prograf, Astagraf XL, others) or cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune, others) might decrease the drug's effect.
Certain statins. Taking St. John's wort with simvastatin (Zocor, Flolipid) might reduce the drug's effectiveness.
Contraceptive drugs. Use of St. John's wort with contraceptive drugs might result in breakthrough bleeding, irregular bleeding or unplanned pregnancy. An additional or alternative form of birth control might be needed.
Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2), Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6), Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) and cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates. Don't take St. John's wort if you're taking a drug affected by these enzymes.
Dextromethorphan. Taking St. John's wort with this cough suppressant might increase the risk of the accumulation of high levels of serotonin in your body.
Digoxin (Lanoxin). Taking St. John's wort with this heart medication can reduce the drug's effect.
Fexofenadine (Allegra Allergy). Taking St. John's wort with this antihistamine might cause too much of the drug to build up in your body, worsening usual side effects.
Ketamine (Ketalar). Taking St. John's wort with ketamine might reduce the drug's anesthetic effect.
Narcotics. Don't take St. John's wort with methadone (Methadose). Taking St. John's wort with certain narcotics might reduce the drug's effectiveness. Combining the supplement with narcotics might also increase narcotic-induced sleep time and painkilling effects.
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Taking St. John's wort with one of these anti-HIV drugs could reduce the drug's effect.
Omeprazole (Prilosec). Don't take St. John's wort with this drug used to treat persistent heartburn. The supplement can reduce the drug's effectiveness.
Phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek). Taking St. John's wort with this anticonvulsant might result in loss of seizure control.
Photosensitizing drugs. Taking St. John's wort with a drug that increases sensitivity to sunlight might increase the risk of a reaction.
Protease inhibitors. Taking St. John's wort with this type of antiviral drug can reduce the drug's effectiveness.
Triptans. Don't take St. John's wort with these medications used to treat migraines. The supplement might increase the risk of the accumulation of high levels of serotonin in your body. Too much serotonin can cause mild to severe side effects.
Voriconazole. Taking St. John's wort with this antifungal drug might reduce the drug's effectiveness.
Warfarin (Jantoven). Taking St. John's wort with this drug taken to reduce blood clotting might decrease the drug's effect.

13. sep 2023

autorka - ja som tým myslela že lieky a ľubovník bodkovaný brať súčasne - nie . A nie že neužívať vôbec

13. sep 2023

Ale levandula dost uspava

13. sep 2023

No tak to jej v ziadnom pripade svojvolne nenasadzuj prirodne doplnky. Moze jej to narusit ucinok liekov a vyleti jej tlak,alebo naopak posilni ucinok a tak jej klesne tlak,ze skolabuje. To musi uzivat nieco s dohladom lekara.Predpokladam,ze uziva aj lieky na riedenie krvi a tam treba byt este opatrnejsi. Ze je nieco prirodne neznamena,ze to nemoze ublizit.

13. sep 2023

Ano, Lavekan som vyskusala, ked som mala stres v praci. Citila som sa lepsie, bolo mi prijemne. Ci to bol placebo efekt neviem. Na depresiu skusenost nemam. Vyskusaj, avsak toto, ale aj lieky na depresiu musis brat aspon dva tyzdne, aby si videla ucinok. A samozrejme musis odstranit veci, pre ktore mas uzkost a depky. Ak nepomoze, urcite chod k lekarovi, nech ti da lieky, lebo sa ti bude zhorsovat stav! Nepodcen to a nechci sa silou mocou liecit bylinami.

13. sep 2023

@iwesska ach boze uz som jej volala tak neviem co jej dat na psychiku prirodne bravala persen ten jej nic nespravil tam nebol lubovnik

13. sep 2023

persen je nič, Skús aj dychové cvičenia, meditácie, počúvanie hudby - aká ju baví

13. sep 2023

@kvetinka75 v jej veku ju tazko na nieco presvedcim, je dost zanovita, bola som rada ze som ju presvedcila na depress

13. sep 2023

jáj no to poznám. A pracuje alebo je už na dôchodku? Bývate spolu?

13. sep 2023

@kvetinka75 85 byvam blizko

13. sep 2023

no myslela som si že je mladšia. V tomto veku ozaj ju už asi na nič nenahovoríš. Už len keď k nej prídeš pustiť nejakú hudbu ktorá sa jej páči, a trošku jej zdvihne náladu, rozprávať niečo vtipné, nejaké príhody alebo aj z minulosti, nech sa trošku zasmeje, príp. pozrieť si spolu nejakú komédiu.

13. sep 2023

@kvetinka75 Preco je Persen nic? Nemam skusenost, ale zaujima ma to

13. sep 2023

@adrianka2606 je to slabé, nepoznám nikoho, komu by pomohol.

13. sep 2023

@adrianka2606 persen uziva v pripade potreby a chvali si velmi, len som chela nieco pravidelne