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Rewarding People The Skill of Responding Positivel

Rewarding People
The Skill of Responding Positively
By David Dickson, Christine Saunders, Maurice Stringer

People's behaviour can be rewarding to others through what they say or do: it may be no more than an appreciative smile, a sympathetic touch or a word of praise, but the impact can be highly significant. This book, first published in 1993, explores these social rewards and their relevance to the practice of people in the interpersonal professions.

While much of its content is relevant to everyday life, the focus is on ways in which an understanding of the working of social rewards can benefit such groups as teachers, doctors, social workers, counsellors, nurses and managers in their interaction with their patients, clients and pupils. In exploring the nature and distribution of social rewards, the authors introduce the concept of interpersonal skill, and discuss a range of theoretical perspectives to account for the consequences of responding positively to others. The effects of promoting interpersonal attraction, the establishment and regulation of relationships, and the ethical issues involved in conferring power and facilitating influence are also discussed.

With its discussion of theory and research linked to explicit practical applications, Rewarding People will be of interest to students in the areas of communication, psychology and business studies.
232 strán
438 gr
Výborný stav
Plus poštovné
Aktualizovaný včera
1 zobrazenie od 23. jan 2024
14,90 €8,90 €
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Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,
Rewarding people the skill of responding positivel,