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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanance

Robert M. Pirsig (Author)

One of the most important and influential books written in the past half-century, Robert M. Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a powerful, moving, and penetrating examination of how we live . . . and a breathtaking meditation on how to live better. Here is the book that transformed a generation: an unforgettable narration of a summer motorcycle trip across America's Northwest, undertaken by a father and his young son. A story of love and fear -- of growth, discovery, and acceptance -- that becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life's fundamental questions, this uniquely exhilarating modern classic is both touching and transcendent, resonant with the myriad confusions of existence . . . and the small, essential triumphs that propel us forward.
Aktualizovaný pred 2 dňami
113 zobrazení od 24. okt 2016
8,50 €
katarina_safarova    Bratislava - Petržalka
prosim, pri platbe na ucet uvedte do poznamky nazor tovaru za ktory ste zaplatili, Dakujem !

Ahojte (ne)maminky. Tesim sa, ze ste nakukli aj do mojho bazariku :)
Vecicky, ktore ponukam su vo velmi dobrom stave. Ak su poskodene - vzdy je to uvedene. Ak mate akekolvek otazky, napiste, zavolajte, rada zodpoviem. Moje t.c. je 0949.229.430

Ak mate seriozny zaujem a dohodneme sa na obchodiku, na platbu (na c. uctu v banke Slovenska sporitelna, cislo - SK0209000000000177676516 ) cakam 2 pracovne dni.
Cena postovneho, podla tarif Slovenskej posty.
Dakujem, prajem prijemne nakupovanie a spokojnost s tovarom! Katarina

1.tr. Doporuc. do 500g - 2,00e
do 1kg - 2,70e
do 2kg- 3,70e

obyc. postovne 1.tr. list do 500g - 1,30e
do 1kg-2,00e
do 2kg-3,00e

2.tr. doporuc. do 500g- 1,70e
do 1kg - 2,40e
do 2kg - 3,40e

obycajné postovne 2.tr. list do 500g- 1,10e
do 1kg-1,90e
do 2kg-2,60e

poštovné je podľa aktuálneho sadzobníka SP: Zmenene od 1.7.2019
* obyčajný list 2. triedy do 500g: 0,95 EUR
* obyčajný list 1. triedy do 500g: 1,15 EUR
* doporučený list 2. triedy do 500g: 1,70 EUR
* doporučený list 1. triedy do 500g: 1,90 EUR
* obyc. list do 1kg 2.tr. 1,65€
* dop. list do 1kg 2.tr. 2,40€
* balík na poštu do 2kg: 2,70 EUR
* balík na adresu do 2kg: 3,90 EUR
*** obyčajne posielam na zodpovednosť kupujúceho
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Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanance,
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanance,
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanance,