A man called Ove - Fredrik Backman

The word-of-mouth bestseller causing a sensation across Europe, Fredrik Backman's heartwarming debut is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step.
At first sight, Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible.
Aktualizovaný pred 1 týždňom
1 zobrazenie od 27. aug 2023
8 €
ipaq74    Bratislava - Petržalka
Ďakujem, že ste nakukli do môjho bazáriku. Vecičky, ktoré ponúkam sú po mojej dcére, ktorá veľmi rýchlo vyrástla, takže sme to mali oblečené iba párkrat. Tak dúfam, že si vyberiete a budete spokojné. Veci, ktoré ponúkam, sú čisté a bez poškodenia.
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A man called ove - fredrik backman,