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The Book of Stress Survival How to Relax and Live


Michael Van Straten and Alix Kirsta and 1 more
The Book of Stress Survival: How to Relax and Live Positively

The Book of Stress Survival is the most useful and comprehensive reference available on stress management. Not only does it examine the causes and effects of stress, it also shows how to pinpoint and reduce the stress in your life. With beautiful illustrations and clear, step-by-step instructions, The Book of Stress Survival takes you through meditation and relaxation exercises to yoga and massage - essential skills for developing a stress-free lifestyle.

Relax your body and your mind

Release your positive energies

Stress-proof your environment

Plan a stress-free diet

Develop confidence at work

Improve your communication skills

Experience peace of mind

Overcome fear and anxiety

Find time for yourself

Feel loved and valued

Photography by Fausto Dorelli

Alix Kirsta is one of England's most popular writers in the field of health and well-being. She has written on a range of subjects from physical fitness and nutrition to psychology, sex, communications skills, and the environment. She is a regular contributor to Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Harper's and Queen, and The Observer.

Consultants Michael van Straten, osteopath, naturopath, and broadcaster on both mental and physical health; Dr Paul Rosch, President, The American Institute of Stress.
ISBN 0-7225-2592-3
191 strán
530 gr
Fliačky, Dobrý stav
Plus poštovné
Aktualizovaný včera
4 zobrazenia od 22. jan 2024
12,90 €8,90 €
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The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,
The book of stress survival how to relax and live,