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Sophie Kinsella - Surprise me

Výborný stav. Brožovaná väzba, 400 strán.
After being together for ten years, Sylvie and Dan have a comfortable home, fulfilling jobs, beautiful twin girls, and communicate so seamlessly, they finish each other's sentences. They have a happy marriage and believe they know everything there is to know about each other. Until it's casually mentioned to them that they could be together for another sixty-eight years... and panic sets in. They quickly decide to create little surprises for each other, to keep their relationship fresh and fun. But in their pursuit of Project Surprise Me - anything from unexpected gifts to restaurant dates to photo shoots - mishaps arise with disastrous and comical results. Gradually, the surprises turn to shocking discoveries. And when a scandal from the past is uncovered, they begin to wonder if they ever really knew each other after all...
Aktualizovaný pred 2 dňami
5 zobrazení od 27. jan 2024
4 €
kompy    Nitra
Milé kupujúce, ďakujem o záujem o veci z môjho bazárika. Mám tri deti, a preto máme aj veľa vecí. Kupujeme, dostávame, ponosíme (častokrát ani nestihneme), posúvame ďalej, nech sa vecičky využijú a potešia niekoho iného. Väčšinu vecí sme kúpili v Španielsku a tie, ktoré dostávame, sú tiež zväčša kupované v Rakúsku, Taliansku alebo USA.
Nevymieňam, všetkého máme veľa.
Odpovedám rýchlo. Posielam aj na dobierku. Pri kúpe viacerých vecí sa vieme dohodnúť na cene.
Príjemné nakupovanie Vám prajem :)
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Sophie kinsella - surprise me,
Sophie kinsella - surprise me,
Sophie kinsella - surprise me,