Such a fun age - Kiley Reid

When Emira is apprehended at a supermarket for 'kidnapping' the white child she's actually babysitting, it sets off an explosive chain of events. Her employer Alix, a feminist blogger with the best of intentions, resolves to make things right.
But Emira herself is aimless, broke and wary of Alix's desire to help. When a surprising connection emerges between the two women, it sends them on a crash course that will upend everything they think they know - about themselves, each other, and the messy dynamics of privilege.
Aktualizovaný pred 1 týždňom
1 zobrazenie od 27. aug 2023
8 €
ipaq74    Bratislava - Petržalka
Ďakujem, že ste nakukli do môjho bazáriku. Vecičky, ktoré ponúkam sú po mojej dcére, ktorá veľmi rýchlo vyrástla, takže sme to mali oblečené iba párkrat. Tak dúfam, že si vyberiete a budete spokojné. Veci, ktoré ponúkam, sú čisté a bez poškodenia.
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Such a fun age - kiley reid,