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The Gift Cecelia Ahern

Step into the magical world of Cecelia Ahern in this heartwarming bestseller.

If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be?

Lou Suffern wishes he could be in two places at once. His constant battle with the clock is a sensitive issue with his wife and family.

Gabe wishes he was somewhere warm. When Lou invites Gabe, a homeless man who sits outside his office, into the building and into his life, Lou’s world is changed beyond all measure…

An enchanting and thoughtful Christmas story that speaks to all of us abut the value of time and what is truly important in life.

Utterly irresistible . . . I devoured it in one sitting’ Marian Keyes, Irish Times

‘An intriguing, heartfelt novel, which makes you think about the value of life’ Glamour

‘A heavenly gift that speaks to the heart’ Irish Independent

‘Heart-warming, emotional, funny and filled with unexpected twists’ RTE Guide

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1 zobrazenie od 22. jan 2024
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The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,
The gift cecelia ahern,