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Self-confidence The Remarkable Truth of Why a Sma

Self-confidence: The Remarkable Truth of Why a Small Change Can Make a Big Difference
Paul McGee
'Looks like Paul McKenna has met his match'
David Thomas, The Sunday Times No.1 bestselling author
Whatever you want, just get out there and do it
You can get that promotion, be more self-assured in public and achieve your personal best - anything is possible with confidence.
Confidence is the magic ingredient that changes you from a spectator into a player, and it only takes a small change to make a massive difference to what you achieve in life. If Tom Cruise was 10% taller, he'd be over 6 foot. If you had 10% more confidence, what would you be doing now?
A small change = a big difference
Now in its second edition, the bestselling Self-Confidence has a brand new chapter and even more practical advice, showing you how to:
Move out of your comfort zone and make a difference
Deal with nerves and stop anxiety de-railing you
Rethink your beliefs about yourself Recover from challenging setbacks
Deal with those who crush your confidence
It's amazing what you can do when you have the confidence to try. So what's to stop you?
'Compelling. Candid. Controversial. You have to read it!'
Steve McDermott, Former European Business Speaker of the Year and bestselling author

Cover design - Binary & The Brain
SUMO illustrations
Fiona Griffiths
ISBN 978-0-857-08287-9
Dobrý stav
282 strán
395 gr
Plus poštovné
Aktualizovaný pred 6 dňami
2 zobrazenia od 10. jan 2024
12,90 €8,90 €
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Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,
Self-confidence the remarkable truth of why a sma,