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Robert Kelsey and 1 more What's Stopping You Why

Robert Kelsey and 1 more
What's Stopping You?: Why Smart People Don't Always Reach Their Potential and How You Can
A practical guide to attacking the most common of phobias: fear of failure
A practical guide to attacking the most common of phobias: fear of failure Since its publication in 2011, What's Stopping You? has offered readers a hard look at the quality of their careers and personal lives. For those who'd give themselves a solid "C+", this brutally honest guide to taking stock also offers the keys to self-improvement. By dismantling the fear inhibiting all achievement―fear of failure―author Robert Kelsey offers a set of seven steps designed to help readers map out their actions, and attain what once seemed elusive milestones.

Written for the frustrated underachiever or anyone who feels like one, this unique book addresses can the real obstacles hindering both professional and personal growth.

Includes a new chapter with tactics for overcoming a fear of failure
Explores methods for dealing with different types of people in a host of situations, such as getting a new job, pitching for new work, making presentations, or communicating clearly in an argument
With a Foreword by one of Britain's most successful businessman, Luke Johnson, this unique handbook to overcoming the most basic of fears is a must for anyone who would like to upgrade the quality of their life.
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230 strán
314 gr
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3 zobrazenia od 22. jan 2024
9,90 €8,90 €
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Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,
Robert kelsey and 1 more what's stopping you why,