Pomoc s prekladom do angličtiny

11. mar 2016

Ahojte dievčatá, nenašiel by sa niekto, čo by sa mi letmo pozrel na už preložený abstrakt do DP, len by som potrebovala kontrolu od niekoho skúsenejšieho, či je to ok, píšem prácu na tému karcinóm prsníka 🙂

11. mar 2016


12. mar 2016

Rakovina prsníka je v súčasnej dobe celosvetovo najčastejšie sa vyskytujúcou formou rakoviny u žien, veľmi zriedkavo sa vyskytuje aj u mužov. Zároveň je to aj druhá najčastejšia príčina úmrtia na onkologické ochorenie v ženskej populácii. Incidencia karcinómu prsníka sa zvyšuje s vekom, najvyššie riziko je u žien po menopauze. Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo analyzovať vekovú štruktúru pacientok, zastúpenie jednotlivých histologických typov karcinómu prsníkovej žľazy a poukázať na význam vyšetrenia hormonálnych receptorov, p53, Ki-67 a E-cadherínu. Analyzovaný súbor tvorilo 76 pacientok s diagnostikovaným karcinómom prsníka za obdobie rokov 2012-2014. Údaje sme získali z Patologicko – anatomického oddelenia Fakultnej nemocnice v Trnave. Najvyšší počet pacientok sme zistili vo vekovej kategórii 61-70 rokov (37%) a v kategórii 71-80 rokov (34%). Najmladšia pacientka mala 32 rokov, najstaršia 84 rokov. Najčastejšie vyskytovaným typom karcinómu prsníka bol duktálny karcinóm, ktorý predstavoval až 72%. Na základe IHCH diagnostiky sme zistili výskyt ER+/PR+ karcinómov u 33 pacientok (49%), negativita p53 bola u 64% pacientok, Ki-67 index do 10% bol u 37% pacientok a negatívne Ki-67 u 28% pacientok, negativitu E-cadherínu sme zistili u 74% pacientok.

Breast cancer is presently the most frequent types of cancer among women. Male breast cancer is rare. At the same time it is the second most frequent reason of cancer death in the female population. It is not yet determined exactly what causes the breast cancer, but there are many known risk factors. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age and it gets higher after menopause. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the age structure of the patients, representation of the different histological types of breast cancer and stress the importance of investigation of hormonal receptors, p53, Ki-67 and E-cadherin. The analyzed group consisted of 76 patients diagnosed with breast cancer for the period 2012-2014. Data we obtained from the Department of Pathology of the University Hospital in Trnava. The highest number of patients we found in the age group 61-70 years (37%) and in the category of 71-80 years (34%). The youngest patient was 32 years, the oldest 84 years. The most frequently occurred type of breast cancer was ductal carcinoma (72%). Based on the IHCH diagnostics, we found the incidence of ER + / PR + cancers in 33 patients (49%), negative p53 was found in 64% of patients, Ki-67 index of 10% was 37% of patients, and the negative of Ki-67 in 28% of patients, negative E-cadherin was found in 74% of patients.

12. mar 2016

Breast cancer is presently (celosvetovo je kde?) the most frequent type/ bez s of cancer among women. Male breast cancer is rare. ( It rarely affects men. ) At the same time it is the second most frequent reason of cancer (related) death (in the female population. (It is not yet determined exactly what causes the breast cancer, but there are many known risk factors.) to neni v sk. The incidence (occurrence) of breast cancer increases with age and it gets higher after menopause. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the age structure of the patients, representation of the different histological types of breast cancer and stress the importance of investigation of hormonal receptors, p53, Ki-67 and E-cadherin. The analyzed group consisted of 76 patients diagnosed with breast cancer for the period between the years 2012-2014. Data we obtained from the Department of Pathology of the University Hospital in Trnava. The highest number of patients we found in the 61-70 years (37%) age group and in the category of 71-80 years (34%). The youngest patient was 32 years and the oldest was 84 years. The most frequently occurred type of breast cancer was a ductal carcinoma (72%). Based on the IHCH diagnostics, we found the incidence of ER + / PR + cancers in 33 patients (49%), negative p53 was found in 64% of the patients, Ki-67 index of 10% was 37% of the patients and the negative of Ki-67 in 28% of the patients, negative E-cadherin was found in 74% of the patients.

12. mar 2016

@tova celosvetovo som nekonkretizovala, je to myslené proste na celom svete...ďakujem pekne za pomoc 🙂

12. mar 2016

worldwide na konci prvej vety.

12. mar 2016

32 yrs old, 84 yrs old

12. mar 2016

@tova inak dík aj za upozornenie, som nevymazala tú jednu vetu z angličtiny 😀

12. mar 2016

We obtained the data from.. The highest number of patients we found WAS in the ..... no a uz by to malo byt ok, predtym som citala za pochodu dna a robila par veci naraz.

12. mar 2016

@tova veľká vďaka 😉

13. mar 2016

ahojte baby, ja tu hladam dobru dusu ktora by mi prelizila asi desat viet do angliny 🙂 ak sa taka najde cakam IP 🙂 dakujem

19. máj 2017

pokial by niekto potreboval pomoc s prekladom alebo s angličtinou v akejkoľvek oblasti, môžete sa obráti't na mňa. Zuzana Walsh