English speaking mums in Košice

26. nov 2009

Hi! I would like to meet some other mums,have a chat, let kids play. I am moving around all the time and have not found nobody to meet up with. Maybe here in town or Zelezniki are some baby centers.
Hope to hear from somebody 🙂

3. jan 2010

Hi, I Find someone, who has taught English I am learning ENglish now....but....it is hard I live in Tahanovce

20. feb 2010

Hi catelynka, it is nice to hear about someone English speaking here. It could be nice to meet. 😉

16. jún 2010

Hi catelynka, good idea to set up this topic. 🙂 Are you still here?
I'm from Terasa. I'm planning to look at the baby centers we have here.
By the way, where are you from? 🙂

22. sep 2010

Nobody here anymore??? ☹

22. sep 2010

I can speak english ...

22. sep 2010

Its this chat only for mums from KE?

23. sep 2010

@eviska83 Of course it is for everyone, not only mums from KE 🙂 😉
Catelynka was looking for someone from KE.
I was glad to find someone to talk to, because I used to be an interpreter, but I haven't spoken english for a loooooong time since I'm home with the kid. But it seems that Catelynka is not here anymore.

23. sep 2010

@watergeenie - great 🙂 So you are exactly the person I am looking for. Your English its perfect 😵 I have been living in Northern Ireland for 6 years,but my English is still not good enough. I never study English so my grammar is horrible 😠
I would love to talk to you about everything and you can point all my mistakes 😀
This lovely child in the picture is your son? or daughter? Where do you live in Slovakia?

23. sep 2010

😀 That's pretty cool, so you've been living in Northern Ireland for 6 years and you want ME to correct YOU? I think your English is great 🙂 But maybe you can teach me some slang words, I miss that a lot now that I'm not among native speakers anymore. 😉
Thanks for the compliment about my son, he is such a sweet kid. 🙂 I'm from Kosice. Where are you from originally? Do you have kids too? What is it like to live in Northern Ireland? I've been to England a couple of times and I loved it 🙂

23. sep 2010

@watergeenie - Deal 🙂 you are going to correct my grammar and I am going to teach you some slang words 😵
I am from Stara Lubovna ,but I have very good friend of mine from Kosice 🙂
My son Andrej is 4 years old and he has start attending Primary school this year. My twins (Adam ,Eva) are 18 months old 🙂 So I am quite busy. Life here is just like elsewhere.I can complain only about the weather 😉
My first slang word is scallion. Do you know what it is?

25. sep 2010

@eviska83 The problem is that there is not much to correct about your grammar 🙂 . Maybe only that your son has startED attending (instead of has start). We always use the so called "past participle" after HAVE. Mostly it has the same form as past (has started) but some verbs are irregular (has written), here they are: http://www.myenglishteacher.net/irregular_verbs....
Too much information? Well, I guess you already know these things, so sorry if I got boring with explanations.

So your son is already attending Primary school at four? Woooow 🙂 It is the same type of primary school that we have here in Slovakia? Probably a bit different. Nice names for the twins 🙂. So you must be pretty busy, I cannot even imagine having twins 🙂 But it must be wonderful too 🙂 . We would like to have another child, but we had no success so far, so we will see...I hope soon. I would like to have a little girl
At high school I had a good friend from Stara Lubovna, her name is Lucia Dopiriakova, do you know her by any chance?
Now it's time for you to tell me what the word scallion means, because I have no idea and I'm too lazy now to look it up in a dictionary 😀 😀
Have a nice weekend, hope it won't rain too hard 🙂

28. sep 2010

@watergeenie - Hi,
Of course my son has startED- silly billy (not sure about spelling 😀 ).Explanations are never boring 🙂
Lucia`s name soudns very familiar to me- but I am nor sure if I know her- I have left Lubovna when I was 15 and I`m visiting the town only 2-3 times a year.
4 is compulsory school age here- it is nearly the same as in Slovakia . The primary school is P1-P7.
Thanks for compliment about names- 🙂 We were thinking about names very hard all my pragnancy. 🙂
I hope you will soon get pregnant and have a wee girl ( or 2 😉 ) finger cross xxx
What about your wee man? How is he doing?
I have startED 😀 attending english school last veek so I hope writing with you really help me.
Well- scallion is slang word for spring onion in Northern Ireland 😉
What about spuds?

28. sep 2010

hallo, I found this topic on MK, but first I´m not from KE, and second, my english is horrible, when I have to write something, because I´m used to speak mostly... 😀 So it could be interesting for me to read and maybe to write a bit with you 🙂
But I´m a little bit shandy( ci ako sa povie hanbit sa??) , because your english conversation here ist perfect 🙂

28. sep 2010

what is silly billy?

28. sep 2010

@katrin21 -welcome 🙂
This is exactly my problem- writing and grammar 😒
Silly billy- ( som ja ale hlupacik) I really dont know if this is real words 😝
Did you mean ashamed?or maybe shy?
No one is 100% perfect and we can learn on our mistakes 🙂
Write something more about yourself - where are you from, familly etc. 😵

28. sep 2010

I thought verb to shame🙂 and I also don´t know use the articles correctly 🙂 😀 when a, when The....
I´m from Prievidza, but I´ll move to Trnava in a short time, because there ist my partner 🙂
I´m divorce and I have one daughter( 10), my partner has one daughter too( 9) 🙂
We want one baby more 🙂 our common 🙂
I speak very very good Italian, german I spoke very goog many years ago, now I miss conversation, so I´m not so fluent anymore, but I understand everything 🙂
I russian? It´s allready forgotten 😀 😀 😀

28. sep 2010

and russian there had to be... ( malo byt... )

28. sep 2010

Somethng for fun:
damage to speak = škoda mluvit
don't wake up a swan = nebuď labuť
relax in the living room = odpočívej v pokoji
where she married herself, here she married herself = kde se vzala, tu se vzala

unvomitable thruth = nezvratná pravda
welded wine = svařené víno
hand-bag TV = kabelová televize
from-under-her laundry = spodní prádlo
pulling birds = tažní ptáci
poisoning mechanism = trávicí ústrojí
selective driving = výběrové řízení
crotch writing = klínové písmo
guilty basements = vinné sklepy
sausage of lovers = párek milenců
goose burp = husí krk

she is lubricated like a fox = je mazaná jako liška
he vomitted a long postcard on her = vrhl na ni dlouhý pohled
your eyes September = tvé oči září
she was sitting on between = seděla na mezi
I am not smelling myself in my leather today = necítím se dnes ve své kůži
stop knitting my head = přestaň mi plést hlavu
he afterdid himself = podělal se
world champion in tanks on ice = mistr světa v tancích na ledě

29. sep 2010

@eviska83 Hiiii, thanks for the new word, you've found exactly the sphere I'm not very familiar with and that is cooking 🙂 But I'm trying 😉 So, what are spuds? Sound to me like nejake vyhonky alebo korienky, ale to len tak strielam, I don't want to search for it, that wouldn't be that much fun 🙂
So you are starting English classes? Great! How do you find time with three kids? Well, I'm sure the lessons I will help you more than I can, you see, I'm not a native speaker, we all make mistakes. Besides, as I said, your English is really good and your mistakes are probably caused only by writing quickly. Anyway, it's great to chat like this.
Hey, I don't know what "wee" is 🙂 😉 But still, my wee man is doing fine, he is pretty busy right now because we are building a house, so he is there almost everyday to make sure those....eee....handy guys don't mess up something }they always do 😝 ). We had not a very nice couple of days, beacuse my son got hives (allergic reaction) and we did not know what caused it. It looked quite horrible, but fortunately it's gone now.
Lucia's name might sound familiar to you, because she had two brothers too. She doesn't live in Lubovna anymore, she lives in South Korea now 🙂

Oooooh and thanks for the funny phrases, they were big when I was at the university, so it reminded me of those times 🙂 The only one I remember now is:
Babka k babce budu kapce - granny to granny the boots will be.
But I'll try to find the website 😀

29. sep 2010

@katrin21 Welcome 🙂 you look familiar to me, you write a lot to modra strecha, don't you 🙂
I could speak italian too, not so very well, just a bit, but it was long time ago, now I'm kind of loosing it, no practice 🙂
So you are trying to have a baby too? Great, I hope we will both be successful soon 😉
By the way, hanbit sa je be shy - ked si len hanbliva, or be ashamed of something - ked sa hanbis za nieco.

29. sep 2010

@eviska83 @katrin21 Girls, I think the title of this topic is outdated, because it is no longer for mums in KE and I don't know how to change it so, what about setting up as new topic? Shall I? 🙂

29. sep 2010

Hi girls 🙂
@watergeenie - I agree with you -Of course you can set up new topic- just dont forget to tell us about it 😀 😀
😵 I could speak italan (basic) but 10 years ago 😀
WEE- is probably slang and it means little 🙂
SPUDS- potatoes 😀 😀- again cooking 🙂
Is Lucia in South Korea?- OMG What is she doing there?- I guess teaching 🙂
You know why I decide to start my Englih classes? The biggest reason was - RUN FROM HOUSE 😀 😀 😀
Its Cambridge and if I will pass exam I will gain FCE.Its only once a week (3 hours)so it is not bad and I am always looking forward to the next lesson.
So are you building house? In Kosice or in some WEE village? I feel sorry for your son 😒 What kind of reaction did he had? My son is allergic and is suffer from hay fever as well 😒
@katrin21 - it is nice that your daughter and your step daughter are nearly the same age 🙂 Are they good friends?
Oh - I forgot slang word 🙂 --- swede 😵

29. sep 2010

thank´s, yes, I spend a lot of time chatting on modrastrecha 🙂
on MK I spend less time, but this topic is very interesting for me, so I´m here🙂
You worked in Italy? Or? I´m loosing my german knowledgesm because I don´t speak with anybody.. so it´s like you with italian....
If you want to cerate a new topic,no problem for me, but let me now 🙂 🙂

29. sep 2010

yes, both daughetr are good friends eachother :

29. sep 2010

@eviska83 @katrin21 Hi girls 🙂 , i don't have much time, so I will reply to you later, but at least here is the new topic:

15. okt 2020

Hi! Any English-speaking or Spanish would like to hang out with babies?