Nočné budenie a dojčenie po 6 mesiacoch

31. aug 2006

Myslim, ze tu este tato tema nebola, tak skusim zacat. Mam 8,5mes. syna. Od malicka mal pekny denny rezim a v noci sa budil na papanie len raz, okolo druhej tretej v noci. Od pol roka sa budi dvakrat a posledne tyzdne i 3-5x. Ani vecerna kasa a prikrmy nepomohli. Utisit cajikom alebo v naruci sa neda, pomoze len kojenie, co je pre mna narocne. Zaspi len tak. Ako odnaucit dieta nocnemu vstavaniu?

31. aug 2006

Kattum...tak tuto otazku som si kladla aj ja, ked mal maly 8 mes to zacalo.
Ono to nebolo o tom mliecku, ze by bol hladny ale proste chcel bradavku ako dudlik. 😒 Tie budenia sa stupnovali az na 12 x za noc. To som chodila ako matoha, bola som nervozna na vsetkych vratane maleho. A este som v tom obdobi aj potratila druhe. No tak som siahla asi na najdrastickejsiu metodu odvykania od nocneho krmenia.
Vystahovali sme ho do svojej izby a ked zacal plakat, prisla som k nemu, pohladila ho a odisla. Pravdaze neprestal a tak som k nemu chodila kazdych 5 - 10 minut, kym neprestal. Po troch dnoch prespal celu noc. Je to podla jednej knizky, ale slabsim povaham neodporucam, lebo som plakala aj ja s nim. ☹
A este bolo podstatne, aby pri vecernom krmeni nezaspal na prsu, ale aby isiel spat polouspaty do postielky a tam zaspal sam.

31. aug 2006

Renca, dakujem za skusensost. Tiez som pocula o tyhcto drastickych metodach a asi na to nemam. Nechali sme ho plakat v noci hodinu a ja som plakala s nim. Manzel je tvrdsi, no ja mu to kazim. Lekar mi vravel, ze dnes by sa uz nemalo dieta nechat dlho plakat, to boli metody nasich rodicov (ale ucinne)
Sam nezaspi, lebo odkedy stoji, v postielke len stoji a skace a v lehu nevydrzi ani par sekund. Aj ked je unaveny a pada na hubu, tak hned sa postavi. Snad ho to prejde a robi to len preto, ze je to pre neho nove.

Spat s nami mu nechcem dovolit, i ked je to velmi pohodlne. Babule, spite s detmi v posteli???

31. aug 2006

Tak hodinu to nikdy netrvalo. Max 15-20 minut. Ale pripadalo to ako vecnost. Podstatne je casto k nemu chodit, aby vedel, ze si nablizku. Tam pisu ulozit ho na lezato a zase odist.
Ale vacsina mamiciek toto obdobie nejak prezije. Ved to nebude trvat vecne. 😉

31. aug 2006

No snad, ale ja ked som nevyspata, som ako pes. I ked viem, ze kazda druha matka si toto zaziva, ba i horsie. Ako sa vola ta knizka?

31. aug 2006

Ta knizka u nas nevysla, len vonku. Mam ju prelozenu a z nemciny a vola sa
"Kazde dieta sa vie naucit spat" od A.Kast-Zahn

31. aug 2006

Musis byt velmi unavena. Myslim, ze nechat dieta tzv vyplakat je naozaj dost drasticke. Skusila som to raz a vobec to nepomahalo, skor sa este viac rozplakala. Mozno je to len nejake prechodne obdobie, mozno idu zubky a preto je babatko podrazdene. Vravis, ze pomoze len kojenie. Neviem aku hustu kasu robis, skus zvysit davky. Este ma napada, pije cez den dost? Mozno je smadny.
Ked sa mi mala bezdovodne zacala presne v tomto veku budit, zvysila som denne davky, zhustila som krupicu a zabralo to. Mozno skus dat viac krat denne papat po mensich davkach.

31. aug 2006

prave som si vsimla tvoj prispevok v teme Instantne kase. Mam pocit, ze to co som ti napisala, pomoze. Aspon dufam🙂

31. aug 2006

kattum ja som ti svoje napisala u nas v diskusii 🙂 ale suhlasim s rencou ak nechces chodit ako matoha dalsich x rokov treba vyskusat tuto drasticku metodu, u nas zabrala tak ze od 6tich mesiacov spi veve vo svojej izbe,je navyknuta okolo 20:00 dostat cajik v postielke a potom resp. pri piti cajiku vacsinou zaspi a spi celu noc ! vynimka dnesnej noci asi mala nejaku nocnu moru a tak vstala o 2 do pol tretej sme skusali vsetko mozne a nakoniec pomohlo ze som ju prebalila co v noci nerobievam,dostala cajik a spala az do pol 9, inak dolezite je vypestovat dietatku nejaky rezim , ten nas spocival uz od narodenia v tom ze no matter what sme kupali vzdy medzi 7 a pol 8, po kupani dostala napapat do 6teho mesiaca mliecko, potom neskor kasu + mm, a od nejakeho 9 mesiaca len kasu a cajik, metoda nechaj dieta vyplakat je sice drasticka ale pomaha a urcuje iste hranice medzi dietatom a rodicom, u nas takto veve vrestala zhruba 5 noci ale s tym ze vzdy sme k nej chodili v intervaloch najskor 5 minut, pohladit ale nedvihat z postielky,ked plakala dalej alebo sa postavila za 10 minut sme k nej prisli polozili na chrbatik pohladili a odisli, potom sme pridali dalsich 5 minut cize sme za nou sli po 15 minutach , znova rovnaky procez a potom uz vacsinou zaspala, myslim si ze dolezitu ulohu zohral moj mangel lebo kym som chodila za malou vecer ja vzdy si pytala didi, ked necitila mliecko nebol ziaden problem, treba do toho ale zapojit aj manzela nech vecer chodi za brunkom on sposobom ako som napisala,ty sa zavri kdesi kde maleho moc pocut nebudes aby ti to nedrancalo nervy

31. aug 2006

proces nie procez

31. aug 2006

hm ved babetka by mali az od roka spať vo svojej izbe,či už nie?

31. aug 2006

dakujem vam vsetkym za rady a skusenosti, skusim s tym rezimom, aj v mama a ja som citala o spankovom treningu, no som slaboch, musim cez vikend, ked bude i manzel zapojeny.

31. aug 2006

kattum...skus to a drzim palce, aby ste vydrzali. Toto pochopi len mamina, co je na pokraji so silami a cez den chce byt na svoje slniecko mila. Ked sa maly zobudil len 5 x, bola som vyspata do ruzova.

31. aug 2006

kattum, ja este nemam vlastne, ale kamarati boli zo svojeho maleho taki hotovi, pretoze hrozne zle spaval a zaspaval, ani cez den, max. pol hodinku od malicka, ze ona sa skoro nervovo zrutila. obratili sa nakoniec na lekarsku a psychologicku pomoc (spankove centrum a poradna pre deti) a presne to co pise renca a silvinka museli dodrziavat. od 6. mesiacov do svojej izby, ked plakal, prist, pohladkat, max. prihovorit sa, nebrat z postielky, alebo ulozit a prec a znova. netrvalo to ani tyzden a maly bol fakt predtym nervak, teraz krasne sam zaspava a je to uz pomaly 3/4 roka a naucil sa spat aj cez den o kus dlhsie. ozaj to bola zmena na nepoznanie a aj dieta je spokojnejsie. a pravidelny rezim je dolezity.

31. aug 2006

ervotoc tak o tom nic neviem a preco az od jedneho roka ? je pravda z emy to mame zabezpecene "monitorom dychu" a tak spim v pokoji ale monitor uz nepuzivame a da sa to ... cim skor si babo zvykne na vlastny klud v izbicke tak o to mensie problemy neskor , takyto isty rezim budeme robit aj s lukaskom,nam sa to osvedcilo a ked budu decka vacise budu spat v jednej izbe zatial sa prestahujeme s manzelom do obyvacky aby mal kazdy drobec svoju izbicku

31. aug 2006

.. kattum..
citim s tebou.. zazivam si to iste.. do cca 5 mes. sa mi budil maly 1-3x za noc maximalne.. teraz vstavam kazdu hodinku, alebo aj pol hodinku aby si pocickal.. inak reve.. hroza... 😝 ...
...neda sa mi absolutly odstavit.. vsetky umele mlieka odmieta.. ale asi si dam poradit od renci a coskoro to vyskusam..
.. pak si napiseme ako sme to zvladli.. oki ??? 😉 😀 😝

31. aug 2006

booze, baby, je mozne ze aj my coskoro dospejeme do tohoto stadia - nasa sa tiez zacala budit od siesteho mesiaca castejsie (dovtedy len 1x), vzdy si cucne a zaspi. Po cca tretej hodine si ju uz nechavam v posteli, funguje samoobsluha. No budem s tym musiet cosi spravit, asi cim skor tym lepsie... dik za rady, musi to byt hrozne tazke vydrzat

31. aug 2006

kattum, nechcem strašiť, ale u nás tá metóda nezabrala,

31. aug 2006

triss.. tak to aj nas maly konci nadranom v nasej spolocnej osteli, lebo som ako na spagatiku musela skakat ku postielke...uff.. takto spi kludnejsie a tiez si cicka kedy sa mu zachce.. ale zachvilu budem chodit priesvitna 😉 😝

1. sep 2006,,40...

vycuc : Some babies start sleeping through the night on their own around three or four months. But most babies need at least one night feeding for quite a while longer.

Some babies are just plain ravenous! If your baby seems hungry both during the day and at night, he might still really need that 2am feeding. However, if your baby is unusually hungry only at night, then it is likely that he is waking for your company and comforting -- not the calories.

A good time to begin a "going-to-sleep" routineis when your baby is "settled in" -- about three months old.

Many young infants are accustomed to falling asleep at the breast or while being rocked in a parent's arms. This works well for the first two to three months. But between three and four months, it is very important to start putting your baby down in the crib awake every time she goes to sleep. She needs to learn to fall asleep on her own. Do not put your baby to sleep with a bottle. It can cause tooth decay and dependence on feeding as a way of going to sleep.

Go through your bedtime routine (see below), then swiftly and smoothly put the baby in the crib and say your "good night." If your baby really fusses, stay with her until she goes to sleep but try to use just your voice to calm her down. If she gets really mad, you can try to pat her back, and if that does not help, pick her up, soothe her for a couple of minutes and put her back down in the crib, still awake. Don't let her fall asleep in your arms! This can be very trying with some babies. You may have to repeat the "picking up-soothing-putting down" routine over and over, for up to an hour on the first nigh

1. sep 2006

Start establishing a very simple, consistent "going-to-bed" routine, such as bath, diapering, nursing or bottle, a kiss, a song and "into the crib." The importance of this routine is that it establishes a predictable set of events which will help your baby "unwind" and get ready to go to sleep.

When you wean your baby, gradually replace the feeding with cuddling, a brief bedtime story or song, or saying good night to the moon and the stuffed animals in the room.

1. sep 2006

atd... kto ma zaujem a dokaze si prelozit celkom fajn clanocek
a tu su dalsie linky

1. sep 2006

Six months to a year
Expert opinion varies but by 6 months babies can sleep most of their sleep at night and you can certainly hope for ten hours (although not from any of my children). You may have already started sleep training your child but if not, now is a good time, as your baby is most likely on solids and if she is eating well you can feel happy that she doesn’t really need that middle of the night feed anymore.

Try to avoid letting your baby sleep a lot in the day as she gets older as this may make it less likely she’ll sleep well at night. Do not expect unbroken nights, however, as at least one in six babies between 6 months and one year wake more than once a night.
You may want to keep your baby in bed with you and you may be happy to have her stay there when she gets to be a big toddler with kicking legs and a tendency to stand up in bed at 3 in the morning (personal experience) but you should consider whether this is in everyone’s best interests. It is hard to get a toddler out of your bed because it is generally nicer for her than her cot on her own.

The bedtime routine (some suggestions)

Whatever you decide, babies do appreciate a bedtime routine and, conducted cheerfully, it works better for everyone than having an overtired emotional baby still up at 10pm, making sure no one’s having a good time.

Don’t take your baby abruptly from having a noisy time in a brightly-lit room to her cot.
Gradually wind your baby down with a bath and a story book that she learns to associate with bed time.
As you take her up to bed say softly and firmly that you are going to bed because it is time to sleep and that you will see her in the morning (you can use your own words!)
Give her a breast feed or bottle, brush her teeth as soon as she has it, get kisses from everyone and then tuck her into her cot (on her back without a pillow until age one). You can have a musical box or musical mobile playing and some parents apparently still sing to their children.
You may want to use a baby monitor but your baby should be able to hear you for a little bit so she doesn’t go from a noisy environment to a silent (as in "oh no I have been deserted") one. As she gets older she may wake up more easily and you may need to keep her room quieter.
If your baby cries and won’t go to sleep you can either pick her up and try to get her off by rocking, feeding or bringing her into your bed; or you can try sleep training. If she is closer to six months beware that she might be in pain from a sore bottom or teeth coming through and that she could have a cold. These things all keep babies awake and you have to realise that some sleepless nights are inevitable - it’s the part of being a parent that allows you to tell your children at a later date how much you sacrificed for them.

Sleep training

There isn’t a written-in-stone method for sleep training. It can be done either by letting your baby cry herself to sleep or letting her cry for repeatedly longer intervals before going in and reassuring her that you are there and love her but that it is time for her to sleep. The interaction can involve patting or not but experts all agree it should not involve a prolonged interaction (few words) and you should never, ever (unless there’s a house fire) take her out of the cot.

A research paper in the British Medical Journal (22nd January 2000 -go to and search for the author - Ramchandani - in the archives section) found that the reassuringly-named "extinction programme" worked better than drugs for sleep problems (the baby gets the drug - not the parent). With extinction therapy the parents ignore tantrums or protests in the cot and at the end of a pre-determined time, go into the room and resettle the child in bed, tell them it’s time to sleep and then leave the room again for another 15 minutes. (Some of the therapies did involve checking on the baby and not speaking and then not going back for the rest of that crying episode.)

A positive routine was also found to help with sleep problems. This involved a 20 minute wind down period and replacing the baby in their sleeping position if they got up.

Scheduled wakes were also found to work, with the baby being woken up to an hour before she normally would do at night and then being resettled. Obviously, you need to be fairly sure when she normally wakes in the night, for this to work.

The best advice is to do what you feel most comfortable with, but if you are tired and your relationship is suffering because your baby is in your bed and constantly waking, then you should at least consider sleep training. If you’re lucky, it can take as little as a couple of nights.

Extinction therapy (leaving babies for fixed periods before reassuring them) with checks (I have seen babies who have screamed so much they’ve made themselves sick) seems to be a good compromise. You do need a firm resolve to ignore your child’s outstretched arms and cries of mamma but most parents who have done it say it's worth it.

When your baby wakes up in the night, as long as she doesn’t need feeding - which most don’t after six months if they’ve had enough in the day - apply the same patting and reassuring but not lifting out of cot techniques. You may have to listen to your baby cry a bit but if you reassure her by going in and saying it's sleep time then you may feel less anxious about it. If your baby is really shrieking then you’ll want to stay with her a little longer to get her settled.

prebrane zo stranky

1. sep 2006

a este posledne pre zujimavost aj ked mam toho v zalohe viac

Baby sleep training methods
Overview: Three sleep training methods to try including the 'crying down' method, the 'core night' method and the 'controlled crying' method.

Crying down

This method can be particularly helpful when initial feeding problems have been resolved and a baby only has mild sleep association problems or has difficulty falling asleep because he is overtired or over-stimulated.The technique involves leaving your baby to cry, and although it's very difficult to listen to a young baby cry himself to sleep, it will prevent serious sleep problems in the future.

Crying down with a baby under six weeks usually lasts between five and 10 minutes, although with some babies who have become over-tired and fight sleep, it can last up to 20 minutes. If you find the crying hard to ignore try and wait for five to 10 minutes before going in to your baby.

You can then enter your baby's room and reassure him with a soothing touch or quiet voice. This should be kept to between one to two minutes before leaving him. You should then wait about 5-10 minutes before returning. Try to repeat this procedure until the baby learns to sleep by himself.

The core night

The core night method can be used for a baby over six weeks, who weighs more than 4.6kg (l0lb), has fallen into a good daytime routine and is settling well in the evening, and provided he's putting on enough weight each week. You'll know it's the right time to start thinking about this method when your baby's still waking in the night looking for a feed but not feeding well at 7am.

The core night works on the principle that once a baby sleeps for one longer spell in the night over several nights, he shouldn't be fed again during the hours slept in the course of the core night. Once you've seen that your baby can last a certain length of time without a feed, you can use this opportunity to help him to sleep longer. If he wakes during these hours, he should be left for a few minutes to settle himself back to sleep.

If he doesn't settle, try patting him, offering him a dummy or a sip of water, giving him the minimum of attention. Babies over six weeks who are putting on a good amount of weight each week but who are still waking at 3am should be offered a dummy or a bottle of cool, boiled water. If your baby still won't settle, give him the smallest feed that gets him through until 7am.

Controlled crying

If all other methods have failed, controlled crying is the most effective way to sleep-train babies over 6 months.

It is an intense technique and takes a lot of commitment and perseverance but can be very successful in getting your baby to sleep through. If your baby is still feeding in the night, however, it's a good idea to try the core night method to ensure he isn't crying from genuine hunger.

Start controlled crying in the evening on the first day. The same procedure should be carried out no matter how many times your baby or toddler wakes up in the night.

Day 1
Step 1 Decide on a regular time to start the bedtime routine and stick to it. Allow at least one hour for the bath, milk feed and settling.
Step2 Settle your child in his bed before he gets too sleepy. Kiss him goodnight and leave the room.
Step 3 Allow a minimum of five to 10 minutes of crying before returning to reassure him. Reassurance should be kept to the minimum. You can stroke him or say 'ssh-ssh' softly, but resist the urge to pick him up. Leave the room after two minutes even if he continues to cry.
Step 4 After the first half hour of crying, the times between visits should be increased by five to 10 minutes each time, to 15-20 minutes between visits.
Step 5 Continue with the checking plan every 15-20 mins until your baby or toddler falls asleep. Reassurance should still be kept to a minimum of no more than two minutes and he shouldn't be lifted out of the cot.
Step 6 If your baby wakes in the night, continue to follow the same plan for the evening, gradually increasing the time between visits, until you are going in every 15-20 minutes.
Day 2

For daytime naps, it is important you start where you left off in the night.
Step 1 Wait at least 20 minutes before checking your baby and continue to keep visits to him to a maximum of two minutes, with the minimum of reassurance.
Step 2 If your baby or toddler falls asleep closer to the time he's meant to be getting up, allow 15 minutes in the morning nap and 45 minutes at the lunchtime nap so he won't end up sleeping after 3pm in the afternoon. If your baby's very tired he may need a short nap of 15-20 minutes late afternoon, so he doesn't become over-tired.
Step 3 Follow the same settling procedure as the first night in the evening, this time waiting 20-25 minutes before returning. During visits on the second night, reassure your baby by saying "ssh-ssh", but don't stroke or touch him.
Step 4 If your baby is still crying after the first hour, the time between visits should be increased to 35-40 minutes.
Step 5 If he wakes in the night, you should wait 45 minutes before checking him, and you shouldn't speak to him or stroke him. Reduce visits to one minute.

Day 3

By the third day, the majority of babies and toddlers will be settling themselves at all sleep-times within 20 minutes and there's no need to check on them.
Step 1 If your baby backtracks at one of the steep-times and you have to go back to checking him, start off with looking in on him every 15-20 minutes and increase the interval until you are back to 4-5-50 minutes.
Step 2 Once your child has done a few days of settling within 20 minutes, you should be able to use the crying-down method for getting him off to sleep. Within a couple of weeks, the majority of babies and toddlers will be going to sleep without any fuss at all.

zo stranky

1. sep 2006

je fakt ako to pisu aj v clankoch kt. www som tu uviedla kazde dieta ine a na kazde plati nieco ine, tiez plati kolko dr. tolko nazorov ale podla mna na tejto metode nie je nic zle hlavne ak zabera /u tej zenskej co dala link ervotoc co skusala tuto metodu pol roka to teda evidentne nefungovalo ale asi bola mierne nechapava a bolo treba nieco ine odskusat

my sme zacali touto metodou, fungovala a ako som pisala mala plakala 5 vecerov a aj to len pri zaspavani cez noc sa nebudila, a ak aj niekedy ano vzdy za nou niekto teda ja alebo manzel siel pohladili sme ju ukludnili dali cajik a bolo po probleme... teraz uz zaspava bez problemov a placu !!!!! a to vlastne uz od 6tich mesiacov bez tych 5tich dni , myslim si ze za vyskusanie to stoji, laska k dietatku sa dokazuje inak nie nocnym buntosenim, nie ????!!!

1. sep 2006

baby tie co mate vacsie babatka teda 7mes a viac myslite si ze to vase dieta je v noci naozaj hladne alebo len hlada teply dudlik ????

co sa tyka toho ze ma koopec mamiciek odsudi , nemam vycitky svedomia ze malu v noci nemam pri sebe v posteli, ze ju nekojim, ze sa vyspim a s usmevom a hlavne nabita energiou sa vrham do noveho dna,veronike tato metoda nijako neposkodila, je to spokojne a urcite stastne babo lebo ma pri sebe mamu a nie "chodiacu mrtvolku" aj to "mrtvolkovanie" sa da vydrzat len docasne, a ide to na ukor zdravia a plus dalsia vec ja si neviem predstavit ze by som ako tehulka mala veve co sa v noci budi snad 10x...

2. sep 2006

Silvinka, ja to cele chapem, kedze sme to zvladli touto metodou. Ja som uz popisala, preco sme sa na to dali. Potrat a nasledne astmaticke problemy, takze postupne som ho aj odstavovala kvoli liekom. 😖
Ani ja tuto metodu nikomu nenanucujem, len odporucam zufalym mamickam.
Priznam sa, ze som trochu mala vycitky, ale tiez si myslim, ze nasmu vztahu s malym to neuskodilo.
Neskor, ked bol maly chory, spaval so mnou, takze to budenie sa vratilo na tak 2x, 3x za noc, ale to bola malina. 🙂