Okaaaay ladies, here we go! 🙂
I finally found some time so,
@eviska83 thanks for explanations, so when you were asking about my wee man, you probably meant my son not my husband 🙂 So my little darling is okay now, he is watching the Cars movie right now, we'll see how long it will keep him interested. He recovered completely after the allergy, but we still don't know what caused it, maybe something he ate or some cleaning chemical. Here is a pic of what it looked like. It is called hives (zihlavka). It was scary for us, because he has never been ill in his whole life (except a 3-day cold last years), so we are not used to it.
The house we are building is right in Kosice, very close to my parents' house. We hope to move there next summer or so.
I can understand oh so well that you enjoy getting out of the house and the everyday routine and go to the English classes. Good for you , you can have fun and learn something at the same time. 🙂 A you deserve it !
So what about swede? I suppose it's not a person that comes from Sweden 😀
What kind of reaction did he HAVE? (instead of had)
...decidED to start my English class.
Again, maybe it's just because you are writing quickly, chybicka sa vloudi 🙂 Your English is really good.
@katrin21 Yes, I worked in Italy looong time ago as an animator. It was fun 😉 🙂 You've worked there too?
I haven't been to modrastrecha for a while now, so there are no updates from us, but our nick is Matrix44.
Your daughter is a beautiful little lady 🙂
Which reminds me @eviska83 are you going to put some photos here too?
Have nice day 🙂
@eviska83 I forgot, here is the picture of the allergic reaction. ☹
@watergeenie - well ,so I even know now how is your hubby 😀 Cars movie was very popular in my house 1.5years ago 🙂 I knew it by heart 😉
Thanks for your corrections- I am making mistake because I am not thinking properly 😉 And I really miss basic grammar- I try to learn as much as I can, but is very hard to find some time for it. 😒
That reaction looks really scary 😒- I am glad he is allright at the moment and I hope he will never have anything like that again. My son is suffer from food allergies- nuts,pineapples,eggs,poppy seeds.Chocolate and cow milk make his exema worst.So he drinks goats milk and his exema is clear. 🙂 He never had hives like that- he always had swollen eyes,nettle rash,red marks all over his face and once after 1 keshu nut he sneazed about 50 times and cannot breath by nose 😒 But thanks God his last reaction was about 2years ago.
Btw -your son is so cute 🙂 🙂 real sweet baby- well not baby anymore- he is big boy 😵
How do you know that Katrins daughter is lovely lady? When I looked into her fotoblog I saw only few pictures but in the pictures was a small baby girl 😉
I have some pictures in my fotoblog but there are not updates but if you want to see actual one you can go to FB.My name is Eva Dronzekova Scensna 🙂
@katrin- I am wondering if you have worked in Italy as well 🙂
Oh-I nearly forgot about sweede- again cooking - its turnip 🙂
@watergeenie omg thats nasty allergy. hope its ok now.
@eviska83 Yeah the reaction really scared us, but the doctor at the ER barely looked at him and said it's normal.... But I guess our reaction was nothing compared to your son's allergy. Swollen eyes must be really bad, especially for such a small kid. Fortunately our wee boy is not allergic to any food as such, it must have been something strange. But it is all over and I hope it will never happen again.
Thanks for hte compliment about our son, yeah he is a big boy now, although sometimes he says "nie som chlapcek ja som babetko", especially when he wants to poo in the diaper and not in the potty. 😀
Yeah Cars is pretty popular, but he also loves Thomas the tank engine a looooot and many more 🙂
When I looked into Katrin's fotoblog, there were many pictures also as a bigger girl, did you click on the album?
@eviska83 Oh and thanks for the sweede turnip...it is sweet too? 🙂 😀
@juicyluu thanks, yeah, it looked pretty nasty, but it didn't take long and it disapperared completely and I hope it will never come back 🙂
@juicyluu You have such a sweeeeeet girl 🙂
By the way, do you live somewhere abroad or you just like to speak English like we do? 🙂
Hi everyone 🙂
I won a T-shirt today in competition😉 http://www.helpforenglish.cz/informace-a-ruzne/... I am happy 😀 I like it 🙂
@watergeenie - I didnt know what the word diaper mean 😉 - I always used just word nappy 🙂 My son likes Thomas too but he loves everything about trains 🙂 We bought him train set for his Bday and he really enjoy to play with it. My husband enjoy too 😀
I look in Katrins fotobolg again- you were right 🙂
@katrin- your daughter is gorgeous 🙂
Queation- he enjoys - or he enjoy? Enjoys look really strange to me 😕
@eviska83 Hi, congratulations 🙂 😉 It's always nice to win something 🙂 So it was an English competition? Great job! 🙂 I once won a sweatshirt in a TV show for teenagers where you had to call and guess the name of a song 🙂
Diaper was the first word that came to my mind. Maybe I sometimes use American words, because I have spent a lot of time with Americans, that's why my English might be a bit different from yours.
I guess every little boy (and maybe the big ones too) likes Thomas, my son has got some little trains with magnets and we plan to buy him the rails and everything. And Thomas T-shirt, Thomas bed spread, Thomas pyjamas, Thomas sippy cup, Thomas everything... 😀 🙂
As to grammar, it's he "enjoys" no matter how strange it sounds. There is always an "S" at the end in third person (he, she, it).
Same for "the word means" (instead of the word mean).
Have a beautiful day 🙂
@watergeenie -thanks 🙂 Yep ,It was the English competition 🙂
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/THOMAS-BRIO-BIGJIGS-WOODE... We bought something similar with 150pc - it was used but in very good condition 🙂 and I think you mean something like this 🙂 dont you?
We have only Thomas lamp and Thomas bean bag 😝
I writed S - at the end "enjoys" and even "means"- but than look really strange to me so I erased 😝 I learn every day something new 😵 😵
Take care 😉
Hi ladies, I m here now as well
Hi my son´s name is Andrej as well, how many children do you have
Hi girls,
@eviska83 I've just looked at your pictures, your kids are sooooo beautiful. And the twins, how they huddle together in their sleep - just adorable. I know it must be really hard to take care of three kids two of them being twins, but it's such a luck to have three sweet kids like this 🙂
I see you went to Egypt for your honeymoon. We love Egypt, we have been there 3 times, last time this year .We went for a belated honeymoon 😉 I was a bit afraid, because Loranko was only 2, but it was just great, he had a wonderful time, he loved the beach and the swimming pool and everything.😀
@bonaquaba Welcome 🙂 and congratulations to your "coming soon" baby. 😉 It is going to be a girl or a boy? I would love to have another baby, we've had no success so far 😒
@watergeenie thanks, I don´t know whether itś gonna to be a boy or a girl, it really doesn´t matter, cause i´ve got at home a boy and girl as well. i only hope, that i Mange this difficult job with three children. Don´t worry, if you really want a child, it will come into your life, take it easy
@bonaquaba You are absolutely right, it doesn't matter whether it is a boy or a girl. It is important that the baby is healthy 🙂 I'm sure you will manage three kids. If you can manage two, three won't be a problem 😉
But actually I sometimes wonder too, how I will manage even two kids if the second is so lively like Loranko. And he is very lively 🙂 He is very smart and sweet, but sometimes I'm at the edge of reason 😀
my older son was very lively, when he was born until three years and then he started to be calm and better and now he is a lovely boy, cause he is smart and intelligent and he knows what is right and not for him, I m happy now, because everything is better, and where do you live?
Hi girls
You are right - but it doesnt matter if you already have a boy and a girl 😀 😀 Just joking 😝
Dont you worrie - You will manage because you have no choose 😀 Well I am not seeing its easy but...
@watergeenie -thanks for the compliments 🙂 Yeah, we are so lucky to have them 🙂 I always want 3 children 😉
@bonaquaba - conratulation 😉 😉 When is your date of due? Where do yoy live?
When I was expected twins I prayed for girl 😉
Andrej was real good baby and Eva is the same 😉 but Adam is different 😝
@eviska83 I also wanted 3 children, and now it´s coming, and I konow that it´s gonna be difficult, cause my husabnd is working abroad, so everything is up to me and it´s really horrible for me to imagine having three children and all weeks and weekedns being alone with them.I only hope, that this third baby will be calm, casue Andrej he is as 10 children, though he has changed a lot now, but he is still alive. My date is 6.11., and I hope that it will come earlier
@bonaquaba we live in Tvrdosin it´s in the north of Slovakia, but when our baby will be in this world, we suppose to move to Norway, cause my husband is working in OSLO, but I really like this part of Slovakia, you know I´ve got friends and family here, and in Norway I don´t know anyone and here children go to the kindergarden, and I don´tknow how it will be in Norway, but I let it be, and what about you and your family, where do you live?
I am exhausted and I am answering myself 😀
Hi 🙂
@bonaquaba - you can blame pregnancy hormons 😀 😀 😀 I always did 😀
You know yourself that it is not going to be easy ,but I am sure you will manage 🙂 Its not easy without husband- - I am so thankful that my husband is with me nearly all day 🙂
We are from Stara Lubovna but we have been living in Northern Ireland for 6 years.
Well - moving to Norway will be big change for all family- but its good start that your husband is already working there.In Norway is really good social system. 🙂 My friends are in Norway but I dont know where exactly ( I am sure its not Oslo)
@watergeenie - How are you ? Are you busy with your wee man? 😉
@eviska83 yes it will be a big change for our family moving to Oslo, but I enjoy on it, cause all family will be together , although it may be diffficult for children to get used to new area, friends and so on, but I think they will manage it quickly, I hope so. And what is your husband doing, when he is nearly all the time with you and what did you do in Ireland and why did you come back?
@bonaquaba - We are still in Northern Ireland 🙂
My husband works in Belfast airport and he works usually from 5-9 AM and then again from 5-9PM.
But sometimes we miss grandmother 😒
Children are amazing- they break in to very quick 🙂 btw - I know you are on maternity leave now but what did you do before?
@watergeenie - I hope you and your family is all right 🙂
@eviska83 Hi, I'm sorry, I just didn't have time. It's great that your husband is with you nearly all the time. I want a job like that too!!! 🙂 (except the early start) 😀
@bonaquaba It might be an interesting experience for you to move to Oslo. How long are you planning to stay there? I think the kids will be okay, children usually take things like that very easy, better than the adults. And they are still small, so that is even better.
Something funny, my wee man likes to watch these and they are funny for the adults too
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