Caute, tie ktoré viete anglicky, mohli by ste nám skontrolovať úlohu?
Tie, ktoré sa chcete rozčuľovať a zbytočne mudrovať, nájdite si inú tému. Ďakujeme
@letfenixa skúsim este raz
Ask a friend for a favour
I wonder if you could do me a favour please?
Ask a policeman for a direction
I’d be grateful if you could tell me how to get to the hospital.
Ask someone to lend you something
Do you think you could lend me the book?
Ask a friend to get you something
Do you mind getting the newspaper for me
Ask someone to open a door for you
Do you mind opening the door for me?
Ask a friend to buy you something from a shop
Do you think you could pick up some milk for me?
Ask a waiter to bring you a bill
Would it be possible to get the bill please?
Ask someone to open the window for you
Would you mind opening the window please?
Ask a friend to give you a lift somewhere
I wonder if you could give me a lift to the restaurant?
Ask someone to tell you the time
Would you mind telling what time it is?
Nejak som to vylúštila 🙂 píšem už opravené odpovede.
1. Would it be possible for you to do me a favour?
(Ale v tomto prípade by sa mi viac hodilo napr. Could you possibly do me a favour?/ Do you think you could do me a favour?/ I’d be grateful if you could do me a favour…)
2. Would you mind giving me directions? (Alebo napr.
Would you mind telling me where the station is?)
3. Is there any chance you could lend me your car?
4. Do you think you could get me something?
5. Správne ( len chýba člen : Would you mind opening the door for me?)
6. I’d be grateful if you could buy me something from the shop.
7. Správne.
8. Správne.
9. Could you possibly give me a lift?
10. Správne. (Len člen je určitý: Do you think you could tell me the time?)
@jorgie ďakujeme ❤️
@miriz ďakujeme ❤️
Za málo 😉
este by som (ako byvala ucitelka AJ) poradila, aby dieta nemenilo tie casti viet, ktore nema menit, ma tam potom zbytocne chyby (vynecha clen alebo zameno). hadam to nevezmete ako mudrovanie, myslim to v dobrom 🙂
vidiet to napr. v cisle 6: I'd be grateful if you could BUY ME SOMETHING FROM THE SHOP. (v podstate len opise z tej vzorovej vety a zmeni zameno z you na me)
tiez treba davat pozor, aby pouzival/a tie vzorove vety spravne, napr. v cisle 2 su dve moznosti s possible/possibly:
Would it be possible to...
Could you possibly...
ale nie kombinacia Would you possiblE...
Ja len ze za take drobne chyby potom clovek zbytocne strati body.
Je to zle odfotene.