Naľavo chlapec, napravo dievča. Platí to?

15. mar 2007

Ahojte mamičky, chcem si spraviť taký malý prieskum čo je na tom pravdy že keď je bábatko uložené naľavo tak to bude chlapec a ak napravo tak dievča.. Priatelova sestra mala napravo a bolo to dievčatko. Tak chcem vedieť milé mamičky na ktorej strane ste mali bábatko a čo sa narodilo. ďakujem 😉

15. mar 2007

no, co ti ja viem, ale ved babetko sa prehadzuje zlava doprava, robi kotrmelce, cestuje hore dole, nie?
az na konci tehotenstva je usadene, nie?

15. mar 2007

jenny aj ja simyslím, že je to blbost. ono sa prehadzuje ako pise kosicanka.

15. mar 2007

no neviem mna doktor pozerá vždy nalavo a až neskor sa presuva do brušnej časti nie?

15. mar 2007

mam na pravo a dievca

15. mar 2007

jenny ak ti bude ležať na pravej strane tak z toho prsníka ti bude aj viac pýtať mliečko 😉 ale neviem o tom že ked je na pravej tak bude dievča 😨 aj ked teraz rozmýšľam tak asi je to pravda tak boli obe uložene ako píšeš 😀

15. mar 2007

od 37tt sa uz neprehadovalo mne dievca ale chlapec ano ten lietal v buchu ako futbalista

15. mar 2007

Ja som v 21 tyzdni a mne sa vacsinou prehadzuje na pravej strane. Lekari mi povedali ze je to dievcatko.

15. mar 2007

No ono sa az tak celkom nekruti, my budeme mat chlapceka na 100% a je nalavo.Je sice z praveho vajecnika, ale od zaciatku ma chrbatik nalavo.. 😅

15. mar 2007

aj ja mam malu na pravom boku, ale tejto povere nejak neverim 🙂

15. mar 2007

tiez neverim ale vidim ze mi to sedi ako aj cinske pocatie!

15. mar 2007

ja som mala krpateho ulozeneho v lavej casti, ked si spatne spominam 😉

15. mar 2007

mne sa mala rozvalovala po celom brusku tak na mna to asi neplati 😀

15. mar 2007

ked som boal v 10tt, tak malinka bola napravo.. to som este nevedela, ze to je dievcatko..

a mam Eminku 😉

15. mar 2007

neviem, ako je to s rozvalovanim v brusku, ale ta znama vestkyna Gina povedala, ze chlapci sa robia v ponozkach 😀 😀

15. mar 2007

ako v ponozkach? sex v ponozkach?? 😕

15. mar 2007

mne jeden moslim povedal, ze ked si u nich zena zela chlapca spava na pravom boku a dievcatko na lavom 😉 tak to este skuste zmenit polohovanim v noci 😵
aj tak je uzasne co dokaze jedna spermijka z tolkych milionov nie ? 😵

15. mar 2007

wladka, nevysvetlila, ale tak som to pochopila - ze sexik v ponozkach 😕 ...

15. mar 2007

peha, len nech sa uz ta jedna najde, a budem spavat aj dole hlavou 😀

15. mar 2007

peja 😀 .. podari sa.. neboooj.. v ponozkach to nie je sexi, ale co to nevyskusame?? 😅

15. mar 2007

wladka, tiez som chcela napisat, ze vyskusame a potom uvidime 😀

15. mar 2007

No ženušky ja ked som čakala syna tak som sa na lavu stranu nemohla ani otočit lebo ma hned kopal tak si to predstavte cele tehotenstvo spat chrbtom k manželovi lebo on spával na lavo takže malý bol uložený na lavej strane.Niečo na tom asi bude.A ten sex v ponožkách no pokial sú čistučké a vonave tak mi je to jedno len nie také v ktorých pracuje.

15. mar 2007

baby, ze som o tych ponozkach nevedela skor, ja som vzdy nutila draheho naboso 😀
no ja viem ze babatko bolo od zaciatku nalavo - tam mu vzdy lekarka pocuvala srdiecko, tam som zacala citit bublinky. kopance este necitim, zato mi ako keby bublinkuje uz cele brucho 🙂
a dnes by mali zistit co to bude, tak uvidim ci tuto teoriu potvrdim / vyvratim

15. mar 2007

Ahojte, moj Petusko bol na lavej strane usalaseny 😉 Ale sme ho urobili bez ponoziek 😀

15. mar 2007

tak môjmu bábenku teraz na poradni počúval srdiečko napravo, ale ešte neviem čo čaká a pri prvom som mala bábo vždy naľavo, dokonca som musela spávať na pravom boku no a máme chlapca 😀

15. mar 2007

tak toto som jakziv nepocula,ale moja dcerka bola nalavo a teraz som si nijako neuvedomila, kde babo je- to vy ako viete, kde ho mate, ked ste len teraz a kratko v tehu??? mne sa naviac zda, ze je toto v strede..

15. mar 2007

sofiela ja to viem len podľa toho, že v utorok mi počúval srdiečko a prístroj musel dať úplne na pravú stranu aby zachytil tlkot

15. mar 2007

snilko7-musim si teraz vsimnut, ako pojdem...

15. mar 2007

neviem, ako ste na tom s anglinou, ale toto som nasla-tak pre zabavu...

Law of Abundance

How the law of abundance works.
The Law of Abundance is the belief that by willing yourself abundance you allow it to come to you. The most obvious use of the Law is for an abundance of wealth. By following the steps you could come into unexpected gains, possibly in the form of money. This does not mean you will gain millions or even hundreds of dollars--the "abundance" can come in many forms but it will always come to you completely unexpected.
For an Abundance of Wealth:

Make a fake check out of yellow paper.

Fill out the check on the day of the new moon before it peaks.

Write your full name on the "Pay To" line.

Write "Paid In Full" on the handwritten amount line.

"Sign" the check with "Law of Abundance."

NEVER date the check (you don't want to limit the day the abundance can arrive.)

NEVER fill in the dollar amount (you don't want to limit the size of abundance.)

NEVER throw out the check--save it in a box or the abundance will be "reclaimed."

Predict Your Future with a One Dollar Bill

Hold the bill with George Washington facing you:

If the left margin is wider than the right margin--it means good luck is headed your way in the finance and romance departments. Take risks, act on instincts and ask someone out on a date.

If the margin on the right is wider than the left--this is the month to play it safe in money and love. Things will eventually turn around--but lay low for now.

If the bill is wrinkled and crumpled--your physical energy is running low. Do not exert yourself next month. Rest and baby yourself until your energy cycle returns.

If the bill is smooth and slick--the next month will be full of pep and vigor. Work a little harder than you normally would and there will be big rewards.

If the same digit appears twice in the green serial number--money is headed your way. This is not true if a number appears more than twice.

If the first letter in the green serial number is followed by an even number--you may encounter resistance or conflict from a friend or family member. Be patient!

If the first letter in the green serial number is follwed by an odd number--an old lover may be coming back into your life. Use caution!

If the last two digits of the serial number (just before the last letter) are odd, pay more attention to your driving becasue you are headed for a crash. Drive defensively and slow down. If the number is even, you're cool!


ARIES-You are at fault 6.6% off the time. You are most likely to crash between the hours of 11am and 5pm.

TAURUS-You are responsible for 6.2% of crashes. Be cautious driving in the dark.

GEMINI-You cause 9.3% of crashes. You are most likely an over-aggressive driver and like to cut other drivers off.

CANCER-You cause 8.8% of accidents...most often at intersections.

LEO-You cause 7.4% of crashes...and most of them are rear-enders on a straight road.

VIRGO-10.7% of car crashes are your fault. You have tendency to speed.

LIBRA-You are the cause of 6.1% of all car crashes. You are the lowest of all the astrological signs. Call your insurance company for a discount.

SCORPIO-Your sign results in causing 6.8% of crashes most of which are head-on collisions on straight roads. So, be careful when passing.

SAGITTARIUS-Watch out, you cause 6.8% of all car crashes. These are usually broadside collisions at intersections.

CAPRICORN-You cause are the most crash prone driver in the zodiac. You tend to ignore traffic signs and tend to do "your own thing."

AQUARIUS-This sign is involved with 9.9% of mishaps. Most collisions are involved with smaller you might want to drive a "land yacht."

PISCES-Responsible for 8.4% of crashes usually because you are not paying attention.


Five tips to get things done quicker:

Tell yourself off. Get yourself motivating by telling yourself that "dawdling is weak and silly."

Make time to get started. Set aside five minutes to get yourself rolling into the "task" mode.

Picture the payoff. Get yourself fired up by focusing on how great you'll feel when the project is completed.

Publicize your intentions. Tell your spouse, friends and coworkers what you intend to do and you'll be more apt to follow through and save face.

Postpone a simple, everyday pleasure.. Don't relax until you finsih your task. Don't watch your fave tv show, read your book or do that crossword puzzle until you've accomplished your task.

San DIego's Best Pizza

1. LIDO'S - In Lemon Grove on Broadway east of Massachusetts
2. BRONX PIZZA - NY-style on Washington St.
3. MT. ETNA'S PIZZA - El Cajon Blvd.
4. FELIPE'S - India St. in Little Italy
5. LA BELLA PIZZA - 3rd Avenue in Chula Vista
6. LEFTY'S CHICAGO PIZZA - near Qualcomm
7. VENICE PIZZA - in North Park by El Cajon & 32nd (multiple calls)
8. NEW YORK PIZZA - Carlsbad (New Yorker searched for 8 years to find it!)
9. PAZZO'S PIZZA - Scripps Ranch
11. MAMA'S & PAPA'S PIZZA - Escondido Ave. in Vista
13. EAST COAST PIZZA - Cardiff (Owners from Boston & may charge Yankee fans extra!
15. SAUCED - Old Town on San Diego Ave.
16. D'AMATO'S - La Mesa
17. WOODSTOCK PIZZA - by San Diego State on El Cajon Blvd. & College
18. DELIONI'S - at Jamacha & Chase
19. BROTHERS THREE PIZZA - in Oceanside on Oceanside Blvd.
20. TONI'S GIANT PIZZA - Escondido
21. MIKE'S - National City
22. VENETIAN - Point Loma
23. WICKED GOOD - Vista
24. GAETANO'S - Tierrasanta
25. PIATRO'S - La Mesa
26. NAPOLEON'S - National City
27. PAPAS, El Cajon
28. CAFE ZUCCHERO, Little Italy
29. OGGI'S (any location)

How Many of You Are There?

Here's another fun, little time waster. Find out how many of there are you...who share's your name and how many are out there. Check it out, it's fun.

San Diego's Best Tacos

June 8 is National Taco Day and the KyXy Morning Show celebrated by compiling a list of our listeners favorite taco shops. Here's the beginnings of an on-going project:

Alberto's, Poway
Lolitas, Clairemont Mesa Blvd. & Ruffner, San Diego
Los Quatros Milpas, Barrio Logan, San Diego
Mr. Taco, Mission Road, San Marcos
Javier's Sombrero, Mission Valley, San Diego
Super Salsa, Johnson & Arnele, El Cajon
La Palapa, Woodside Ave., Lakeside
Taco Pablos, San Marcos (by Lowe's)
Las Olas, Highway 101, Solana Beach
Rita's, 2nd & Main, El Cajon
Rojelio's, College and El Cajon Blvd.
Rosaritas, Wintergarden Blvd., Lakeside
Las Parias, Rancho San Diego (near Kohl's)
Carmen's, Linda Vista Road, San Diego
La Pasada, Lakeside

The Positive Power of Your Underwear

Women, surround yourselves with positive power just by choosing the right color of underwear. Depending on the color you select, you can attract anything your heart desires:

WHITE – White symbolizes divine love, purity & healing & is a good choice for anyone in poor health. White can help improve your psychic powers and spiritual outlook.
RED – Red is a love magnet. For optimum results choose soft fabrics like silk – don’t pick cotton if you’re looking for love.
YELLOW – Yellow brings peace of mind and calm to a restless spirit. Darker shades are great for attracting money – light shades for bringing happiness.
BLACK – Black gives you strength and the power to dominate and take charge of relationships, both personal and professional. Wear them when you’re with a man or woman you want to control or when you decide to ask for a raise.
PURPLE – Purple brings good fortune.
TAUPE - You'll probably attract an accountant or a librarian (not that there's anything wrong with that!)
COMMANDO - Be careful!

Wedding Songs for Mom's to Dance with Their Groom Sons

We received an e-mail from a KyXy Morning Show listener--Eleanor--asking for some help. Her son was getting married and she needed a song for a mom / son(groom) dance at the reception. She felt that there were many songs for the father-of-the-bride and the bride's dance. So, we asked our KyXy Morning Show listeners to help Eleanor out. And they came through bigtime. Now the choice is up to you Eleanor!

What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong and Kenny G
I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
There You'll Be - Faith Hill
The Prayer - Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli
If I Could - Barbra Streisand
Beautiful in My Eyes - Joshua Kadison
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
Through the Years - Kenny Rogers
Unforgettable - Natalie and Nat King Cole
Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler
You've Got a Friend - James Taylor
A Song for Mama - Boyz II Men
A Perfect Fan - Backstreet Boys
Sunrise, Sunset - Fiddler on the Roof
In My Life - Judy Collins
Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart
Greatest Love of All - Whitney Houston
Worlds Greatest - R Kelly
Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers

Strange Sandwiches

The "Fat Darrell" was crowned as America's best and most unusual sandwich. It consists of chicken fingers, fried mozzarella and French fries. We thought you guys have most likely experimented with tastier AND more unusual concoctions. We were right. And here they are:
Meatloaf, fried egg, American cheese on white toast.

Peanut butter and Swiss cheese on a flour tortilla.

Peanut butter and balogna on white bread.

Peanut butter, mayo and lettuce on white bread.

Peanut butter, crushed potato chips, ketchup on white bread.

2 Pieces of garlic toast with spaghetti in between.

Fried egg, fried balogna, cheese, mayo, mustard, lettuce on white toast.

Peanut butter and jelly on white toast with chocolate syrup, marshmallow and bananas (this was devised by a pregnant woman.)

Tuna salad on white bread, tabasco and bbq chips.

Scoop out a bagel, cream cheese, extremely mayonaissy tuna salad with diced tomatoes.

Toasted Eggo waffles with a slab of ice cream between.

Domestic Violence Referrals

San Diego Family Justice Center

San Diego has been honored as the model from which 12 Family Justice Centers throughout the country will be designed. City Attorney Casey Gwinn has assigned his entire Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Unit to work on-site at the Family Justice Center. The Unit annually handles 4,000 new misdemeanor domestic violence cases and is currently prosecuting approximately 12,000 active cases. The Family Justice Center offers legal assistance, medical help, safe housing, child counseling and spiritual support among it's many services.
707 Broadway Ave. Suite 700
San Diego, CA 92101
Toll-free 1.866.933.HOPE (4673)

The Center For Community Solutions

Since 1969, the Center for Community Solutions has been creating safe and healthy communities with a core emphasis on the treatment and prevention of sexual assault and relationship violence.
Toll-free crisis line 888.272.1767
Legal clinic: 858.336.4193
Coastal Location (Mission Bay): 858.272.5777
East County (La Mesa): 619.697.7477
North County (Escondido): 760.747.6282

Women's Resource Center

Battered women's shelter which also provide counseling & other services.
Oceanside: 760.757.3500

San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program

Group of attorneys who work pro bono to provide legal assistance in contested dissolutions with custody issues, legal separation and restraining orders.
225 Broadway Ave. Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92101
619.687.2227 (Restraining Order Clinic)

Legal Aid Society of San Diego

110 S. Euclid Ave.
San Diego, CA 92114
(*must meet low-income criteria)

Attorney Alexander McIntosh (private practice - defends victims)

Came highly recommended by a listener who once used him & now works for him!

Victim Compensation Program

A government-run program which assists victims of crime in obtaining restitution for the financial losses suffered as a direct result of criminal acts. Assistance is available for residents of the State of California regardless of where the crime occurred and for nonresidents who become victims of crime occurring within the State of California. Victims of violence and their families must deal with the emotional, physical, and financial aftermath of crime. The Victim Compensation (VC) Program can help innocent victims of certain crimes and their family members when they have no other means of paying for crime-related losses. To file an application, log onto:

The Amzanig Hmaun Mnid

Read this:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig ins't it?

Is It a Boy or a Girl

Thank you to all KyXy Listeners and e-mailers that helped us compile this list,

As far as we know, these are all the old wives' tales about how you can tell whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

If the pregnant woman...

Craves sour pickles (boy); Craves ice cream (girl)

Has no morning sickness (boy); Has morning sickness (girl)

Is busy in the kitchen cooking (boy); Finds the kitchen boring (girl)

Has no desire for orange juice (boy); Wants orange juice everyday (girl)

Carries the baby low (boy); Carries the baby high (girl)

Requires same amount of sleep as usual (boy); Needs more sleep (girl)

Sleeps on left side (boy); Sleeps on right side (girl)

Baby kicks in ribs (boy); Baby kicks in lower tummy (girl)

When breaking wishbone: Dad gets big part (boy); Mom gets big part (girl)

When Mom stares into a mirror for at least a minute: Her eyes dilate (boy); Eyes don't dilate (girl)

Mom picks up coffee mug by handle (boy); cups to warm hands (girl)

Put two pillows on the floor, with a fork under one and a spoon under the other, then have Mom sit on one: If she sits on the one with the spoon (boy); one with the fork (girl)

If she is carrying the extra weight out front, it's a boy. If she is carrying the extra weight around the hips and bottom, it's a girl.

If the hair on her legs is growing faster during pregnancy, it's a boy. If the hair on her legs is not growing any faster during preganacy, it's a girl.

Sleeping in a bed with your pillow to the north indicates that you will be having a boy. Sleeping in a bed with your pillow to the south indicates that you will be having a girl.

If her feet are colder than they were before pregnancy, it's a boy. If her feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy, it's a girl.

If she refuses to eat the heel of a loaf of bread, it's a girl. If she prefers the heel of a loaf of bread, it's a boy.

If Dad-to-be is gaining weight right along with Mom-to-be, it's a boy. If Dad-to-be hasn't been gaining weight along with Mom-to-be, it will be a girl.

If the maternal grandmother has gray hair, it'll be a boy. If the maternal grandmother doesn't have gray hair (dyed or natural), it'll be a girl.

If she had morning sickness early in pregnancy, it'll be a girl. If she didn't have morning sickness early in pregnancy, it'll be a boy.

If she's looking particularly good during pregnancy, it'll be a boy, because girls steal their mother's looks. If she's not looking particularly good during pregnancy, it'll be a girl, because girls steal their mother's looks.

If her chest development has been quite dramatic during pregnancy, it'll be a girl. If her chest development has not been very dramatic during pregnancy, it'll be a boy.

If the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is even, it's a boy. If the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception are odd, it's a girl.

A needle on a thread held over her belly moves in circles, it's a boy. A needle on a thread held over her belly moves from side-to-side, it's a girl.

Her urine is a bright neon yellow color, it will be a boy. Her urine is a dull yellow color, it will be a girl.

If she is craving sweets, it'll be a girl. If she has a craving for salty or sour foods, it will be a boy.

If her nose has been spreading, it'll be a boy. If her nose hasn't changed during pregnancy, it'll be a girl.

If she has been craving meats or cheeses, it'll be a boy. If she has been craving fruits, it'll be a girl.

If the baby's heart rate is 140 or more beats per minute, it's a girl. If the baby's heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, it's a boy.

Using crystal Dran-o, pour some in a container and add the pregnant woman's first moring urine. If the mixture goes crazy, it's a boy. If not, it's a girl.(Thanks to Teresa for this addition.)

This is a four-step process: 1) get the age of the prego-mom when she first conceived; 2) Get the month the baby is due; 3) Add those two together; 4) If it's an odd number it's a even number means it's a boy. (Thanks to Pearl for this little "pearl.")

15. mar 2007

baby sorry, mne to omylom skopirovalo cely clanok- pritom len- jedna posledna pasaz-je o tych vselijakych"povedackach a poverach", co urcuju pohlavie..

15. mar 2007

no ak sa niekto poriadne ucil biologiu tak maternica je viac v pravo takze tam su aj acsinou babetka ulozene 😵 teda viac v pravo 😵

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