They say it gets easier
    That sleep will come
    That they’ll move to solids
    And be walking by one

    They say it gets easier
    That experience will help
    That you’ll find your feet
    Forget how hard it felt

    They say it gets easier
    They’ll learn to talk
    They’ll tie their own shoes
    Use a knife and fork

    They say it gets easier
    That the fun will start
    You’ll have more time
    More light, less dark

    They say it gets easier
    Your arms will flow free
    School bags on backs
    Your bed now empty

    They say it gets easier
    You’ll feel yourself again
    You’ll leave the house more
    And remember your brain

    They say it gets easier
    And perhaps they’re right
    Practically speaking anyway
    But it’s not black and white

    Because it doesn’t feel easier
    Not emotionally anyway
    To have to let go
    When you’d love them to stay

    Because it doesn’t feel easier
    When they need you less
    When you wait for their call
    When your mind’s a mess

    Because it doesn’t feel easier
    The worry doesn’t stop
    They are your whole world
    Your heart forever in knots

    Because it doesn’t feel easier
    To love so much
    To lean into trust
    To lose your touch

    Because it doesn’t feel easier
    No matter their stage
    To see your forever babies
    Grow away with age.

    - Emma Heaphy -
    Artwork: Art by Chloe Trayhurn